Programs and Services at CCGC
CCGC School provides special education and behavioral support for children in need of an alternative to a mainstream classroom setting.
The North Star Program is an 8-week clinical day program for children ages 5-12 who struggle with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties.
CCGC's Outpatient Counseling Center provides weekly and bi-weekly therapy appointments with both in-person and telehealth options, as well as multiple treatment modalities, group therapy, and services for victims of crime.
IICAPS is a home-based, family-focused treatment program that helps children and adolescents up to the age of 18.

What’s going on at CCGC
Serious impact for your community.
Years of Experience
Towns Served
Children Helped Each Year

News & Notes
An opinion piece by CCGC CEO Jamie Bellenoit, exploring the benefits and risks of AI on children's mental health, including professional insight and personal experiences raising three tween boys who use AI daily in education, entertainment, and more.
The coronavirus pandemic has been difficult for everyone. Parents have lost jobs, families have had to quarantine and children have been cut off from their friends. Internet usage has spiked, and for many teens, it is causing underlying mental health issues to increase. What actions can parents take to help mitigate the negative impacts and support their teens?
Praise from trusted adults helps children feel good about themselves and motivates them to accomplish things. And while it can feel great for them, knowing your own strengths and feeling a sense of fulfillment and achievement is pretty great too! There can be some pitfalls to the use of praise, but with a few slight changes or new additions to your collection, you might just see a whole lot of individual, internal growth from the littles in your life!